Tuesday, October 14, 2008

FREE Ben & Jerrys!

Ben and Jerry's is giving a Free Scoop to voters!

November 4th

Voting Never Tasted So sweet!

Ben & Jerry's wants to thank you for voting by giving you a free scoop of ice cream! Come to participating scoop shops on November 4th
from 5-8pm, show us you voted and you'll get a free scoop of ice cream. Show us your "I Voted"
sticker, a photo of you in front of your polling station, do the "I Voted dance" or just tell us you voted.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Cisco branching into Spanish Music?

Here's a blog entry from a Cisco user as well as an article on SlashDot regarding this little incident.

Apparently someone just got a new Cisco firewall and with it the latest VPN Client Software cd... Or so they thought. When attempting to use the CD they discovered that it instead contained 12 tracks of mexican music.

Ahh to be a fly in the wall at THAT meeting...

"You accidentally did WHAT?!"
"Well... ya see... I was burning the CD for the new VPN Client software and accidentally clicked on the My Music folder instead."
"But... You don't even speak Spanish!"

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


It's too QUIET!!!
I know you're out there... I have a tracker so I know SOMEONE is reading this... But no comments? Come on people!

Except Julie. Thanks Julie!

Friends Don't Let Friends Send Drunken Emails

Gmail Labs is adding a new feature to stop you from sending email you'll later regret.

What it does it after you hit the send button... it checks to confirm you actually wish to send this email. In the easiest way it knows how... to ask you MATH problems! Simple math problems that is...

Thus if you're in an altered state of mind... Intoxicated... Hysterical... Emotional... etc... It will either prevent you from sending it by the sheer inability to answer said math problems... or at least it will give you time to clear your head enough to be Sure you want to send it.

Apparently right now it is only going to be enabled for Evenings on weekends. Which is the most likely time you'd need it. But I think you can mess with the advanced settings if need be.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hurrah for Bubble Wrap

Stressed? Bored? Just have nothing better to do? Killing Time?

Pop some Bubble Wrap!!!

Go to Manic Mode if you don't want to click to pop them. Might want to have your volume turned down so people don't think you're going postal. ;-)