Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Priorities shift in securing our stuff?

In a world where we fear what people will do with the power of anonymity... Do we no longer fear when people would have to do something in the open? I find it interesting to watch as people secure their digital information and then leave their wallets, phones, laptops, purses, etc unsecured and unwatched in coffee shops, restaurants, disneyland and whatnot. Is it that people have become lazy to the obvious threats that surround them daily or are we shifting into a world where the criminals have become lazy to things that involve risk? Just a curious observation...

Back At It!

Blogging again? After this long of Silence?!?  Don't mind if I do!

Has anything changed in the last 4-5 years? Sure! Tons! And I'm sure I will attempt to catch up with those stories as they are applicable.

Why are you bothering to restart blogging you might ask...

Well... I was recently restructured into the job seeking market and have been attempting to re-find myself and what I want out of life. Blogging is one of those things that I miss doing and would like to take another shot at.

Also, my son has recently started 1st grade. I know! They Grow up quick don't they? See earlier posts for baby pix. Anyway, his teacher wants to start a blog and I thought I might offer some help but mainly it made me think about this one.

Hope to entertain anyone who decides to visit. I make no promises as after going through the life of my blog I've discovered I've made ALOT of posts about picking it back up or neglecting it for a while. But, I will try to be as Entertaining as I can while I'm here. =)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ties that Bind

As witnessed by the stars that shine
our lives forever intertwined.

Beneath the waves of space and time
we walk the never ending line.

No matter wanting
or neglect
Our fate is bound
to intersect

But what is the ends,
to this means?
A mystery?
or just our dreams?

Is this about the destiny
or the journey too?
About the Universe?
Or just me and you...

Hope for the future
and learn from the past
but the present
was not built to last.

Together we may own the sky
apart we may live and die

It does not matter in the end
My heart is forever dearest friend.



Lost and Found within stars that shine
Deep meaning they hold to represent
The past and future or even divine
A glorious union, celebration and lament.

And though the shadowed mist we march
The unknown worlds to which we climb
Undaunted by the endless possibilities we face
Becoming masters of our own space and time.

Though reality and dream seem divided
Drawn down the path that we are smitten
Our destiny may already be decided
But our future, is yet unwritten.



Stuck in darkness I wander through,
Hunting the light that pulls me in,
Toward destiny I'm drawn to,
Never to lose nor to win.


The world keeps turning
we lose old faces
tears still burning
yet the same old places

New faces appear
Lost friends are found
Nothing to fear
to this wheel we're bound

Times keep changing
The wind keeps blowing
The sun's still shining
and we're still going.


The Irish in me

A drink that gets drunk
or a thought that gets thunk
is like a small grain to the sands of time

But when you get to doin
an idea that's been brewin
now that's something worthy of rhyme.


What am I
How can it be
that I do not feel
what others can see

What is it like
to love and to cry
and why do you wish
to live or to die

What they can't understand
is what others fear
what I can't understand
I wish to be near

People only believe
what they expect to see
but only between the lines
is where you will find me

Lurking in the shadows of the night
Lurking in the bright spots of the light

Bleeding through the boundaries
of right and wrong
Bending through ideals
both weak and strong

Don't believe what you hear
and don't believe your eyes
there is always truth
in the very best of lies

And where does that leave you and me
when all is said and done
To that I have no answer
but at least we had some fun.



Love and Loss
both seem forever
yet both fleeting
sometimes forgotten
but keep the heart beating.

Life is so precious
our loved ones so dear
yet we take it for granted
we forget we should fear.

Always busy with trifles
never stopping to think
that which we love
can be gone in a blink.

Time cut so short
it always feels wrong
memories are all that you have
so make sure they're strong.

Can't change the past
the future can't be bet
the present is all that we have
better take all you can get.

Never waste a moment
Never waste a word
No matter how silly
No matter how absurd.

All very scary
it's too easy to worry
just try not to be
in so much of a hurry.

Whenever you can
savor things slow
and however you feel
just make sure they know.


I'm Back

Ok so I realize it's been like 3 years. But I've found inspiration so I'm going to take another crack at this. I would try to summarize the last 3 years but it's hard... Lets leave it with... My son is just over 4 years old now. I've witnessed some glorious magical things and some horrible heart wrenching things. I may post about some of it over the coming days but aside from that lets just move forward Shall we?

Friday, February 27, 2009

Omg This Guy is Hallarious....

I know I'm a bit behind on this one. But I just heard about him on Kevin & Bean this morning. Bo Burnham

Monday, February 23, 2009

Omg... So happy... Squee...

Ok this movie looks so promising. I <3 Tim Burton. And can't wait until September for 2 reasons now. Muahahahaha.

Get Well Soon Jack!

And bring back my Macaroni Bites damnit.

Hang In There Jack

Friday, February 20, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

V-day Goings on

This V-day didn't go badly at all. I'm a little surprised since this doesn't seem to ever happen to me. But either way I enjoyed it.

We ended up going to Medieval Times since they were having this 2 for 1 deal thingy in the month of Feb. Got seated in the Green Knight Section. Which was cool except there were parts of the show we couldn't see very well being seated right next to the king.

We got the V-day package and got to go to the museum of Torture/Dungeons, Got 2 flutes to take home after drinking the sparkling Apple Cider, I got a carnation & a light up rose, and a Picture (see below) to take home.

They changed the show a bit but I won't ruin it for you. Lets just say we were sitting in the perfect section for us. LoL.

What's stuck in my head today?

Thanks to KROQ of the 90s weekend. Here ya go.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Thoughts on V-day

Ok I tried to reword this but really I couldn't say it any better than I did last year. And since I seem to have a bigger audience this year I feel it needs repeating.

February 14th... Valentines day... A day that I shutter at every year.

For a long time I thought of it as a made up holiday by the candy, gift and greeting card companies to get money out of you. Which... Honestly it has become.

But lets step back for a moment and try to figure out what the holiday is meant for...

It is meant for you to take 1 day out of your stupid year and appreciate all of those people that you love.

Now... I fully agree with those people who want to sit there and say... But why do I need a special day for that? Shouldn't that be something people do automatically and without prompting or feeling obligated to do?

Yes... the world would be a must better place if everyone thought about and made sure to make those people they love feel appreciated on a daily/regular basis...

But to those people who argue this... Can you honestly say that you do it?

I don't...

Like most of the world... we live our lives... bitch about the bad but completely neglect the good. Taking for granted that those we love will always be there. Until something happens... and we lose/almost lose them...

You never know what you've got until it's gone...

Then you run around and try to make up for it... often it's too late but you still hug everyone you know and make sure your loved ones know what they mean to you...

But time goes on... and memories fade... pain fades... and we sink back into our old ways.

1 day a year isn't too much to ask... It doesn't have to be Today... It doesn't even have to be this week. But don't be that person crying over a grave saying that you never told them how you felt... Or how many years had it been since you talked?

Valentines day is not about Gifts or Flowers or Cards or Candy... It's about Love. And if you think you have no love in your life... Then I feel sorry for you... You obviously have no family and no friends or you're completely and utterly blind in which case I feel sorry for your family and your friends.

For everyone reading this today as a Blog or a Bulletin. I want you to know I care about each of you or you wouldn't be on my friends list. I want to you to know I appreciate you and everything you've brought to my life good or bad. And Please don't ever forget that... no matter what I do or say in the future... and no matter how long I go without saying it... *hugs*

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What's stuck in my head today?

I seem to be going down memory lane for music stuck in my head today. I blame 98.7 for their flashback lunch time music. I can't think what the segment is called atm... but yeah. Anyway... Some of the subtitles are wrong but the song and video are right.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Quote of the Day

"The Lord tells me he can get me out of this mess, but he's pretty sure you're fucked."

Wednesday, February 4, 2009