Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Viva La Vida

Ok I can't seem to get away from this song... It's following me everywhere... The Mall, my car, restaurants, my head, the Internetz (lol)... Maybe if I give in it will stop following me. Soooo Here ya go!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Are left-handed people smarter?

Friend of mine pointed me to this article. Power to the lefties!

As per MSN news

Yep. According to researcher Alan Searleman, southpaws have higher IQs, solve problems better and enjoy more extensive vocabularies than righties. Lefty cases in point: Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso, for starters. Not to mention every U.S. president since 1981, except this one. (George W. Bush)

Can't seem to get the links to work for some reason.

Take heart, righties: Searleman's study also found that lefties have worse memories than their right-handed peers.

The memory thing is sooo true.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Fall Lineup Review

Fall TV... Some pretty good shows out there. Most of which are also available on Hulu which is awesomeness or Netflix (not quite as awesome since it's a pay service but still). It seems like alot of the shows on now a days are very interesting commentaries on the human psyche.

Life - About a cop who gets set up and wrongfully sent to prison for 12 years. Now he's been cleared of the charges, given 50 million and become a detective. It's a great show and really gets you thinking about human nature but also it's an interesting puzzle.

House - Continuation of a great series. If you Haven't managed to catch this then you're missing out. It follows a greatly misunderstood doctor who likes to keep it that way and his band of employees/boss/badly abused friends in their attempt to save lives and magically end up saving each other on a regular basis as well. Though most of them are pretty ungreatful and whiney about the whole thing.

Bones - Another great continuing series. Bones and Booth have a great chemistry and are like a walking YinYang with a badge. Though some of the internal drama/romance story lines I think get drawn out a little far I'd still watch this show forever and a day.

Chuck - Cute. The story of a guy who had his life seriously messed up by his bestfriend and no longer lives up to his potential. Who suddenly gets thrown into the world of spies again by his ex-bestfriend because now he has a computer library stored in the subconcious of his brain. Wacky misadventures with a little bit of highschool/college type romance thrown into the mix.

Fringe - Kinda odd... Mix all the cop type shows of today with Young Frankenstein. On the one hand you have cop chick that wants all the answers working for the government and never having all the information to start... but on the other hand you have a crazy old man who used to be the equivilant of doctor frankenstein and his son who is too smart for his own good babysitting him. And they're all trying to clean up some nameless group's goings on that are using the good doctor's old research to turn the world into a very large experiment. Ever wonder what the lab mice feel like? The humor is a little deranged at times but that's good for me. And the romance like most of these shows is again a never ending banging your head into a wall because they can't see what's infront of their face and get too hung up on the past. But another one I'd recommend.

Seeker of Truth (i think that's the title) - If you like Sci-Fi series and you've read the Terry Goodkind books... STAY AWAY!!! Compared to the books this series blows... But as I've heard from people who have never read the books it's not so bad. Unfortunately they appear to have cut out alot of aspects that actually drew me into the books in the first place and have taken the "easy" route for story telling purposes. The CGI really isn't all that great but that's probably the budget's doing. I can't really fault the show for what it's done to the story but... I wouldn't recommend it and it's probably doomed for more than it just being an original series.

Knight Rider - Interesting rendition of the old show. New and upbeat. Love the new kit and his cyborg take on humor. It's kinda like mixing the old kit with Data from Startrek and then giving him some transformers capabilities and scifi tech. The team backing him up do a good job too. Some characters seemed a bit out of place to me at first but they grow on you. I was a bit skeptical of the new Michael but he's pulling it off quite well. I can see it calling more to the younger audiance than the original following but still a good show.

Sons of Anarchy - Drama... Lots of Drama. Some romance not so much comedy. Hell's Angels meets 7th Heaven. It's all about the "Family" and the "Family" business. The series starts out a bit heavy with the pilot kind of being at the height of drama but it seems to smooth out over the next several episodes. We'll see how it pans out for the rest of the season but I'll definately be keeping up on it. And yes... Peggy Bundy is in it.

Sanctuary - New Show starring "Sam" from Stargate. Another common theme lately... Mutants. Evolution at it's finest. Who will protect the weird and impossible from the world and itself? The Sanctuary. I'm not entirely sure how I like this show. It's good but I'm not sure it's great. I fear it will probably be doomed to the fate of all SciFi Original Series shows but only time will tell. Some of the acting is a little lacking and some of the story is a bit cliche with all the shows/movies on this subject lately. But definately worth catching while it's around.

Heroes (Season3) - Better than Season 2... Still not quite as good as Season 1. At least they're going back in the right direction. But still the story lines are a bit convoluted. I wish they had tied up some of the loose ends they created last season though i know alot of people just want to forget last season existed (including the writers). I'm glad they're explaining some backstory this time but I fear it may be taking up too much time and force them into hurrying with the current events. We shall see...

American Dad! - Newer Oldy but a goody. This cartoon isn't quite the old school Simpsons but definately a good time sink. Everyone in the family has brains in their head they just all seem to be going on their own agenda. There's much breaking of the 4th wall and inside jokes. I think it's aimed at a slightly higher IQ level than some of the other mature comedy cartoons out today.

Family Guy - This I think appeals to the slightly more braindead edge of comedy. Don't get me wrong it's a good show and funny as hell sometimes... but sometimes it feels like one long fart joke. The Stewie and Brian characters are what really keep me watching I think.

Not on at the moment but still good shows:
Burn Notice - Awesome show. Follows an ex-spy who has been "Burned". Trying to figure out why he got the boot and who did it so he can get his life back. Living in the hell of Miami and only having his crazy Mom, constantly introuble brother, trigger happy ex-g/f and good friend who spies on him for the FBI to lean on. Solving the worlds problems one stupid person at a time to fund his endevors. It's got a little bit of everything in it and sometimes scares you with how much some of the characters remind you of people you know.

Battlestar Galactica - Comes back for it's final 10 episodes in January. I admit I wasn't too into this show when it first started but it really got me in Season 3. After that things made alot more sense. So if you gave up on it early go back and give it another chance. You'll be glad you did.

Eureka - Funny. Follows a not so booksmart but fairly streetsmart cop and his too intellegent for her own good daughter as they move into a town full of geniuses. Think of all those crazy smart people from highschool... Not the ones with their nose stuck in a book... The ones inventing weird stuff to make their lives easier... Sound effects to keep their parent's knowing they snuck out... Devices to distract the teacher... hacking into the computers to change their grades... Now give them a town... and unlimited funding... And you have Eureka!


Torchwood - Off shoot of the new Doctor Who. Torchwood centers around Captain Jack and his team that kinda does the Doctor's job when he's not around to help. If you're going to watch this show I'd definately suggest watching some of the last couple seasons of Doctor Who at the same time though because they do cross over and there are inside jokes you won't get on both series.

Shows I haven't seen But I'm planning to watch when I have the time:
Crusoe - I've actually seen peices of this but never a full episode. But Patrick and my parents like it so I'm assuming it's pretty good since they don't always agree on things.

My Own Worst Enemy - Very Interesting Premise. This could either be really good or a flop. Patrick seems to like this one too so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.

Midnight WotLK Launch

Ok all caught up to the present now.

Last night I got to camp at Gamestop for 2 hours in order to get the WotLK WoW Expansion.
It was interesting. I got to meet the two people that won the competition at Blizzcon. Otherwise it was pretty uneventful.

Movin' and a Cruisin'

Nathan has finally figured out how to get moving. At least to a point. He's figured out how to sit up if he's even a little elevated. He can pull himself up from sitting to standing if given something high enough that he can still reach.

He is officially 7 months old today and already trying to walk and such a cutey!

LoL Mary Jane?

Is Mary-Jane a LoL Catz? You be the judge.Iz N uR HighChairz Eatn Ur Grubz!

Global Warming

Proof of Global Warming

New Home

About 8 months ago our group at work got reassigned to a different manager since our current manager was switching positions in our company. That group happens to be in another building and they finally ended up moving us over here from building3.
Here's pictures of my new home.

Update on Patrick's Foot

A little background -
9 Years ago Patrick started having pain in his foot for no reason. Any touching of his foot sent him into agonizing pain. But he hates doctors and the doctors couldn't find anything anyway.
About 2 months ago his foot started swelling and hurting more than usual so i finally got to drag him into the doctor.
After 3 doctors we finally ended up at a specialist since nothing showed up on Xrays or Bloodwork and he ended up getting 2 MRIs. The second one being with dyes to show contrast.
They discovered he had 2 tumor masses in his foot.
A few weeks ago they did a biopsy on it and confirmed that it is benign. But the doctor refused to operate on it. Due to it's size and it's consistency. And the fact that he could "live with it" so we said he Couldn't live with it. And they gave us a new doctor to see at UCI. His doctor appointment with the new doctor is Monday Nov 17th. So hopefully I'll be able to give more updates then.


Nathan's first Halloween.
I went as Harley Quinn and Nathan went as Eeyore! He was so cute.

The Thursday before Halloween we had a costume contest at work. Here are a co-worker and I that won the contest.

Then on Friday I dressed as Harley Quinn and won another costume contest. Here's me and little Eeyore.
My niece went as Batgirl and she was adorable too

My Birthday

October 11th was my 26th Birthday.
Thursday, Oct 9th... There were layoffs at work. Not me but other people I know.
Blizzcon started on October 10th but of course we couldn't afford to go. That Friday I was offered the chance to go by a co-worker. But Patrick was upset I wished to go without him. Soooo I didn't.
Saturday... My friend/old guildie was throwing a party. Not related to my birthday but to Blizzcon. So we ended up going to it after dropping the kidlet off at my parent's house. Things were well for the most part but to sum it up it ended with a broken window... me having to pick up glass for 2 hours... and me screaming at Patrick for a while.
Sunday we were going to dinner with my family at Bennihanas. First my Sis and her family were all sick that weekend so they couldn't come to my b-day dinner. Then my parent's left the house right behind me... yet they managed to get to Bennihanas half an hour after us. They ended up going shopping for me inbetween leaving the house and getting to dinner... Wish they'd told us they were going to be late. And then it was these 2 HIDEOUS dresses... but ah well... Dinner was good though. They made some changes to the show... and Nathan only got upset once which was quickly quelled by a slice of lemon from the bartender.

The next week I went out shopping with my mom and replaced the hideous dresses with a cute little skirt suit and a cute shirt/sweater top from Walmart. Hurrah. So I guess it didn't turn out as bad as I'd thought...

I still owe my friend $150 but have yet to hang out with him since the window incident.

Updating the blog

Sorry I haven't updated in like a month. But I've been busy. So I'm going to make an attempt at catching everyone up on life as I know it.