Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pet Peeves

Everybody has em. So here's some of mine.

Localization - Why do websites/softwares that have multiple language/country options always put the options in the language currently selected? Obviously if you want to change your selection then you probably don't speak/read what you're currently looking at. Wouldn't it make more sense to put it in the language of where you're going rather than where you are?

People who can't carry on a conversation and Drive at the same time - You are the reason I can't talk on the phone in my car anymore! They still meander through parking lots/lanes/drive erratically whether they're on blue tooth, have other people in the car, talk to themselves, or not... Why must they punish the rest of us?

People who insist on telling the story of something that JUST happened to 50 different people within earshot of what JUST happened - I heard it when you told it the last 20 times... I really didn't need to know the first time. Thanks...

Spammed Invites to Apps on Myspace - I already said I didn't want to be a Commie mutant zombie vampire in your guild that sends hugs/pokes to everyone and gets rated on their hotness. How many times does it take?

People who don't listen to your whole question/complaint before answering - No that wasn't what i was asking you ass... and while we're on the subject can I get the last 10-20 min of my life back?

The candy disappearing from my desk but no money in my donation jar - This one speaks for itself I beleive.

Stores that sell something for years and then suddenly stop carrying it without warning even though it still exists and is sold at another store further away - Then they look at you like you're nuts when you insist they JUST had it. And act like they have no idea what you're talking about.

Webless spiders - They sneak up on you... ANYWHERE... and any time... Ugh.

Oatmeal and Nuts in everything Apple - Why do chefs feel obligated to add either oatmeal or nuts to everything that is good? Not that I have a problem with Nuts. Just not in my apple pie/muffins/etc etc.

Places that still don't accept ATM or Credit cards - Seriously? Get with the 90s... Let alone the 2000s it's 2009 for goodness sake.

Ok that's enough for now... Think that's all that bugged me this past week. I'm sure I'll add more later. =)