Thursday, July 10, 2008

Daily Poetry

Sooo I'm a Poet. I'm going to try to post some of my stuff on a regular basis. Once I run out of old stuff maybe I'll start writing new stuff. It's been a little while but I seem to be getting inspired by alot of things lately for various projects. Poetry is usually at the heart of it too. Anyway... Without further ado... First Installment of my Daily Poetry.

Though I don't feel I should need to include this... Please do not copy my works without my permission or at least proper quotation. Thanks!


All my hopes
All my dreams
seem to go up
in a puff of steam.

Lost again
what a dope
who am I?
without hope.

I need to find myself again
where could I have gone?
lost within the lions den?

It's so dark
I cannot see
all the good
surrounding me.

I've been blinded
but now there's truth
how foolish am I?
I thought I needed proof

All that I need is here
to be myself again
I just need you near.

The more things change
The more they stay the same
As long as you're with me
then I can play this game.

Life is what we make it
Life is what we choose
If we just stand together
We will never ever lose.

~Christina Hall~